Saturday, December 12, 2015

sneak peak

its been a while since the last entry, i guess i dont have much to write, im more to keeping it in my mind than let it out here, now its already end of year 2015, couple more weeks to the new year, some things has changed, still im just being typical myself, didnt fucking think too much bout it,

now, im looking forward for the future days; looking for a job or continuing my further studies, new car in the making, who knows and i cant wait for it, but then again, i cant push myself a little bit excited, im just wait here and let it go with the flow, 

til' next time

Friday, November 20, 2015

im sorry

im sorry if im letting you both down, i know im not a son that you can be proud of, im sorry since i was born im not being a person as you wish for, thank you for raising me good, teaching me things i need to know in this life, somehow i dont know if i could repay back for what everything youve given me,

im sorry

Friday, November 13, 2015

dont ask me, im lost too

its been 2 weeks since ive done my internships, so whats next for me ? continuing for further studies ? or get a job ?


i dont even fucking know, i havent think about anything yet, but im afraid if im being too easy on myself now, i might being too lazy to get up and do things oh fuckk, god i hate myself!

Monday, October 19, 2015


the moment you spent a little time for something that gave you so much thrill and adrenalin, more likely a genuine feeling to a guy like myself who love speed and corners; its something that i appreciate whenever im alone or im with my closest buddy, together we had our fun and enjoyable ride, you know, a moment like this can be recreate but every single time happens, its priceless, thank you for the time and chance,

til' next time,

Sunday, October 11, 2015

lelaki dan visi - Shafiqq Sani

'every men has their own dream, its up to them to choose whether to achieve it, or just keep on dreaming til' the end of the day,'

you know, whenever i woke up from my sleep every single day, my thought always hunting me, it keep reminding me to put out the best of me in everything i do, fighting for the day and survive,

im one of every men in this world who always wanted the best, being the best of anything, having the best of everything, but to be honest, deep in me i had this vision, a view;

'if i could have everything i wished for in this life, would i be happy ?'

this vision always hunt me down whenever im feeling unlucky, feeling down, broken etc, cause we are made with imperfections, incomplete, fragile and anything that we might feel
the lost in every single of us,

tbh, not everyone knows that those imperfections in ourself are actually the perfections in us that god has given, every single of us are created with differences and thats what made us who we are, and now here i am, im getting better than ive ever been, 

it doesnt matter what those visions might be, no one ever asking for the worst, all they ever wanted is to try out the best of them, in every possible things surround,

til' next time,

Wednesday, September 23, 2015

obsssve cmplsve prsnlty dsrder

whenever your inner thoughts running freely through your fucking head; but somehow, it keep pushing yourself down and deep, the mind itself having its own 'brain' is like controlling over in you and slowly changing yourself into someone that youll never want to be, they said having a multiple personalites is bad tho as if in negative ways, good things ? its how you handle your aggresive mind-set that no one ever would anticipate anything from you, you just dont give a fuck about others, what matters to you, is yourself,

hope kills, but still, hope is all i got left in me, that making me stronger each day,

Sunday, September 20, 2015

new addiction

waking up early morning for a drive and breakfast ? i meant really damn early morning ? well i guess i can do that,

short-getaway for a fun drive with fresh morning air surround, its kinda getting into me now

see you in next round,

Friday, August 28, 2015


for some people, to them, imagination is full of lie and fake images, but they dont really know; imagination is how they can create their own point of view towards over things, and trust me, it really works

since i was a kid, most of the time ive spent living in my own world of imagination, i can see things that normal kid cant see, this imagination taught me how to see things with different views, how to handle any circumstances; in other words, i am prepared for anything might be happen, cause most of them dont really know, they were born with broken hopes and false dreams, judge me whether if its a cliche, i dont mind at all but you dont really dont know about me and what ive been through, truth is, you can never know what other human felt until you gone through the same situation, imagination help people like me to get over things, knowing that life is such a different phases, taking steps and slowly move forward into different phases, in every decisions and ideas we wish to decide, imagination blend in as much as it could, and youll know exactly what it means,

til' next time,

"they laughed at me cause im different, i laugh at them cause they are different,"

Tuesday, August 11, 2015

another year

its been 3 days since i turned 24th this year, well still its not too late to wish myself 'happy birthday' lol and well its nothing much to celebrate, i just spent my time with my homeboys, chillin and wasting time here and there,

thank you god for another year given, thank you for the awesome families, close bros and good friends, thank you for good cars, good life and still hanging, thank you for everything,

til' next time 💪

Sunday, July 19, 2015

Eid al-Fitr 2015

may this year eid will giving us another blessing in upcoming days, cherish our moments with the love ones, to those who direct or indirectly knows me, im sorry from the bottom of my heart if there are any wrongs from me, 

Selamat Hari Raya, Maaf Zahir Berbatin!

til next time, 

Saturday, July 11, 2015

better life

in this holy month marked the day since my last drugs ive taken; back then i was so uncertain sick with all diseases i had, until i had enough of it,

for the whole 8 past years all the pills i took, theyve been digested in my blood, been a part of me, but then still theres no good news for me, still the same old stories; sickness

not until 3 years ago; i just leave it all the rest, and now ive been living clean vibe and healthy so far, thank you god for the blessed, Youre the real 'doctor'

RIP, life of 2005 - 2012

Friday, July 10, 2015

everythings changed

is it really felt relieved or felt good just talking shits about other people ? being a fake shit person as you really damn best at it  ? just to show youre better than anyone else by spreading shit talks ? well pity you,

nahhh, im not giving a fuck anymore to certain things, certain people; im just wasting my fucking times for nothing, and for what ? being stabbed and accused over shit things, yah i had enough of all that,

and now im only giving my appreciations of those who really being with me thru my ups and downs and it doesnt matter if i dont have lots of friend, having few of homeboys is better than having lot of friends but none of em can be trusted,

"do ask yourself; which one are you ?"

til' next time,

Sunday, June 28, 2015


your mind is working at its best when youre being paranoid, you explore every avenue and possibility of your situation
at high speed with total clarity, but sometimes you just cant figure out the truth because youre asking to some people that are emotionally or socially invested in you to be brutally honest, either family or friends will tell you what you want to hear, or what they want to believe because of their emotional investment in the situation, instead of circling the drain with biased speculation, go out and get plenty of unbiased people that have nothing to lose if they speak their mind and ask them what they think, after that, stop asking for people’s perspectives; accept their answers because youre not going to ever know the real truth when the person you care or love lies to you, because sometimes you only have the truth of commonsense when the unbiased majority has offered you their opinion, and when we care about people, we will believe the most far-fetched fantasies to help us deal with our actions, their actions and the conversations we missed out on, our intuition then becomes compromised, you should never put your life on hold, in order to decide what the truth is,

'the memory of truth no longer remains pure in the mind of a liar,'

Thursday, June 18, 2015

ramadhan almubarak

for those who know me; direct or indirectly, i just wanna say Happy Ramadhan alMubarak, to those people i been slackin' with, those who i hurt their hearts without i realised it, took advantage of

and even lied to, i would love to hug you for forgiveness if i could, may god bless all of us in the journey of this fasting month and so on, may everything be ease for us, last but not least, may this blessful month will give us goodness and time for us to cherish the moment with the ones we love and care, amin

#HappyRamadhan #HappyFasting #RamadhanAlMubarak2015

Monday, June 15, 2015


if its meant to be then it will meant to be, for the sake of unrequited dreams, ill hold onto it for as long as i could and keep on fighting for it,

in pursuit of my own dreams i shall have patient, cause i know god somehow will lead the way,

til' next time,

Sunday, May 17, 2015

keep in silence

for the past months ive been keeping lot of things to myself, idk maybe cause im not intend to share it with some people i trust, i guess its better for me to shut the fuck up,

and now, idk whether to feel bad or to feel relieved, 

til' next time,

Friday, May 08, 2015

i wish

can i miss you every single day ? a day without you is such a terrible pain, you never know whats going on my mind now, i cant let it go,

til' next time,

Thursday, April 30, 2015


"you see, the point is that the strongest man in the world is he who stands most alone," - Henrik Ibsen, An Enemy of the People

til' next time,

Tuesday, March 24, 2015


"ive dreamed a lot, im tired now from dreaming but not tired of dreaming, no one tires of dreaming, because to dream is to forget, and forgetting does not weigh on us, it is a dreamless sleep throughout which we remain awake, in dreams i have achieved everything," - Fernando Pessoa,The Book of Disquiet

cause dreaming is what i do best, everyday when i wake up in the morning and i shall ask myself, 

"will i ever put my hands on my wishes ?"

its a question that always haunt me every single day, because i know, not everything that i wished for, i shall have it, we live in this world play by the god's rules, He may give, He may not and He may take it back, for as long as we're still breathing, we shall work hard for it with any possible ways to achieve our dreams,

abah always remind me;
"can do everything you want, can have everything you want, but as long as you'd never disobey the mighty lord and your parents,"

im always keeping those in my mind,

till next time,

Wednesday, March 11, 2015

0500 hours

kinda getting some feeling theres something uneasy surround, dont know what is it, maybe it just a silly thing or maybe it just nothing,

*pffft no one cares anyway

sleep well,

Thursday, March 05, 2015


after all these years, ive been given much, all out towards people that dont deserve anything from me, its not like im being 'mengungkit', just that im so fcking tired being 'menjaga hati' other people,

at end of certain time, im the one that being fcked up, cause you know how it felt if you had through all these, ive been dealing with it since long time ago, over and over again, same old bullshits but with different people *sigh*

idk, maybe im easily to get soft with people who i thought i can could count on, but the truth is not everyone appreciate you for what youve done for them, as im writing these from my own experiences, i know sometimes im not that kind of good person, i guess ill never get away from bullshit and fcked up things/people, they will hate you for life cause of one small silly screwed up thing, even though youve done thousands of good deeds for them,

"kadang kadang aku kesian tengok kau danie, kau appreciate orang gila gila, tapi dorang takde nak appreciate kau," - faaiz hafizi, 2015

Friday, February 13, 2015

grow some balls

if only those people have the courage to say all the hatred out loud,

cause im tired of all this fcking things, tired to get over those shits, can i have those days where no one ever could be such a fcking coward, yes you are a coward, fcking scared enough cause youre only good at talking shits behind other people, i bet you always do, no surprise,

sometimes i wonder, if you ever needed a mirror, cause everytime youre talking shits about somebody, more likely youre talking about yourself indeed, id never said that im perfect, but at least im not the one who spreading the hates among others, then i just sitting here and see for how long your fcking stupidity could stay last, while youre making up stories, everyones are laughing shits about you, cheers

p/s: im not talking shits behind their back, its because they choose it this way towards me, im just returning their favors

Monday, January 26, 2015

another day, another words

dont destroy yourself by allowing negative people add gibberish and debris to your character, reputation, and aspirations, keep all dreams alive but discreet, so that those with unhealthy tongues wont have any other option than to infest themselves with their own diseases - michael bassey johnson

Monday, January 19, 2015

0200 hours

by now i wish you should know that,

knowing how my feelings towards you,

just i dont know how i can do more,

as for now, i just do what i do best,

loving you, caring for you, miss you,

and everything you want me to do, i would do if i could,

i know most of the time im being over acting, being annoying jerk of me,

by that you will noticing me,

for every second, every minute, every day, every time, every moment, im exist in your life,

i always be there for you anytime you need me,

ill be your favourite stalker,

ill be your favourite die-hard fans,

to be truth,

been ignored from you, feels like drowning into darkness

lying suffering down under into a space that i thought i was standing all alone,

that feelings when the ones we love are far away, not being with us,

i need you so badly, i need you here in my life,

together we'll going through good or bad times,

and together we live and struggling for better tomorrow,

happy or sad here i am with you,

because i dont plan it for anyone else except you,

i want to spend my lifetime with you,

i love you and this is me holding on to promises i make to you

since first time i met you, i really dont know that you will be this important to me,

my soul screams loud, my heart beats low,

i rather die than seeing youre not being with me,

that feelings unexplainable cause youre too amazing,

so dont ever say youre just a same normal person like others,

its because youre not, youre different from others

and i will keep telling you this,

i could remind you every single day,

always will,

my heartbeats

my soul

my inspirations

my favourite girl ..

ill be the truth and loyal to you,

since the first time i got my eyes on you,

til now

and still do,

you shall know all these came true, right ?

and you shall know that i will ..

sincerely - danie faizal, 2015

Sunday, January 11, 2015

fresh as fuck

new book, new chapter, new rules, lets roll!

Tuesday, January 06, 2015

new chapter

beginning of the new chapter, no more bullshits, no more turning back, we go up front

keep smile, shift up and steer forward, - babat, 2015

p/s: keep haters smilin'

Friday, January 02, 2015

twenty fifteen fresh as fu*k

its a new year of 2015!

2014 taught me a lot, i guess its full of lessons i got thru that year, thank you for the memories whether good or bad - worth to be keep or forgotten,

may on this new year will keep me stronger on each day, still fighting for those days, no new resolutions i can say for me, i just go on as the same as last year,

til' next time