Monday, January 26, 2015

another day, another words

dont destroy yourself by allowing negative people add gibberish and debris to your character, reputation, and aspirations, keep all dreams alive but discreet, so that those with unhealthy tongues wont have any other option than to infest themselves with their own diseases - michael bassey johnson

Monday, January 19, 2015

0200 hours

by now i wish you should know that,

knowing how my feelings towards you,

just i dont know how i can do more,

as for now, i just do what i do best,

loving you, caring for you, miss you,

and everything you want me to do, i would do if i could,

i know most of the time im being over acting, being annoying jerk of me,

by that you will noticing me,

for every second, every minute, every day, every time, every moment, im exist in your life,

i always be there for you anytime you need me,

ill be your favourite stalker,

ill be your favourite die-hard fans,

to be truth,

been ignored from you, feels like drowning into darkness

lying suffering down under into a space that i thought i was standing all alone,

that feelings when the ones we love are far away, not being with us,

i need you so badly, i need you here in my life,

together we'll going through good or bad times,

and together we live and struggling for better tomorrow,

happy or sad here i am with you,

because i dont plan it for anyone else except you,

i want to spend my lifetime with you,

i love you and this is me holding on to promises i make to you

since first time i met you, i really dont know that you will be this important to me,

my soul screams loud, my heart beats low,

i rather die than seeing youre not being with me,

that feelings unexplainable cause youre too amazing,

so dont ever say youre just a same normal person like others,

its because youre not, youre different from others

and i will keep telling you this,

i could remind you every single day,

always will,

my heartbeats

my soul

my inspirations

my favourite girl ..

ill be the truth and loyal to you,

since the first time i got my eyes on you,

til now

and still do,

you shall know all these came true, right ?

and you shall know that i will ..

sincerely - danie faizal, 2015

Sunday, January 11, 2015

fresh as fuck

new book, new chapter, new rules, lets roll!

Tuesday, January 06, 2015

new chapter

beginning of the new chapter, no more bullshits, no more turning back, we go up front

keep smile, shift up and steer forward, - babat, 2015

p/s: keep haters smilin'

Friday, January 02, 2015

twenty fifteen fresh as fu*k

its a new year of 2015!

2014 taught me a lot, i guess its full of lessons i got thru that year, thank you for the memories whether good or bad - worth to be keep or forgotten,

may on this new year will keep me stronger on each day, still fighting for those days, no new resolutions i can say for me, i just go on as the same as last year,

til' next time