Sunday, July 19, 2015

Eid al-Fitr 2015

may this year eid will giving us another blessing in upcoming days, cherish our moments with the love ones, to those who direct or indirectly knows me, im sorry from the bottom of my heart if there are any wrongs from me, 

Selamat Hari Raya, Maaf Zahir Berbatin!

til next time, 

Saturday, July 11, 2015

better life

in this holy month marked the day since my last drugs ive taken; back then i was so uncertain sick with all diseases i had, until i had enough of it,

for the whole 8 past years all the pills i took, theyve been digested in my blood, been a part of me, but then still theres no good news for me, still the same old stories; sickness

not until 3 years ago; i just leave it all the rest, and now ive been living clean vibe and healthy so far, thank you god for the blessed, Youre the real 'doctor'

RIP, life of 2005 - 2012

Friday, July 10, 2015

everythings changed

is it really felt relieved or felt good just talking shits about other people ? being a fake shit person as you really damn best at it  ? just to show youre better than anyone else by spreading shit talks ? well pity you,

nahhh, im not giving a fuck anymore to certain things, certain people; im just wasting my fucking times for nothing, and for what ? being stabbed and accused over shit things, yah i had enough of all that,

and now im only giving my appreciations of those who really being with me thru my ups and downs and it doesnt matter if i dont have lots of friend, having few of homeboys is better than having lot of friends but none of em can be trusted,

"do ask yourself; which one are you ?"

til' next time,