Monday, October 19, 2015


the moment you spent a little time for something that gave you so much thrill and adrenalin, more likely a genuine feeling to a guy like myself who love speed and corners; its something that i appreciate whenever im alone or im with my closest buddy, together we had our fun and enjoyable ride, you know, a moment like this can be recreate but every single time happens, its priceless, thank you for the time and chance,

til' next time,

Sunday, October 11, 2015

lelaki dan visi - Shafiqq Sani

'every men has their own dream, its up to them to choose whether to achieve it, or just keep on dreaming til' the end of the day,'

you know, whenever i woke up from my sleep every single day, my thought always hunting me, it keep reminding me to put out the best of me in everything i do, fighting for the day and survive,

im one of every men in this world who always wanted the best, being the best of anything, having the best of everything, but to be honest, deep in me i had this vision, a view;

'if i could have everything i wished for in this life, would i be happy ?'

this vision always hunt me down whenever im feeling unlucky, feeling down, broken etc, cause we are made with imperfections, incomplete, fragile and anything that we might feel
the lost in every single of us,

tbh, not everyone knows that those imperfections in ourself are actually the perfections in us that god has given, every single of us are created with differences and thats what made us who we are, and now here i am, im getting better than ive ever been, 

it doesnt matter what those visions might be, no one ever asking for the worst, all they ever wanted is to try out the best of them, in every possible things surround,

til' next time,