Saturday, January 30, 2016

heads up and move on

well, i guess thats true when they said nothing could last forever, but i still accepted it with a smile, even though its tough as fuck, and no matter how hard i tried, i couldnt do anything to prevent it, God made plan for this, and for me surely, after all what happened to me, i thanked Him for giving me the best of Him for me,

amin to that,

Monday, January 18, 2016

sleepless night

in the still of the night,
once again i hold you tight, 
even when youre gone, but your love still lives on
everytime the moonlight beams

Thursday, January 07, 2016

that feelings

it has been a long time since ive had that feelings over me, and yesterday it came back, making me feel uneasy about it, you know why ?

well, its hard to keep it to yourself though, and im not that kind of person, so i just let it out so it cant burden me no more, and now im feeling stupid, a little bit of regrets; typical danie, doing things without thinking about the consequences, fuck that i hate it,

til' next time,

Saturday, January 02, 2016

happy twenty sixteen

its fucking 2016 already! typical me celebrating the new year with nothing to be achieve lol well, i hope this year will be the best of everything for me, continuing the old resolutions for sure, and of course the past year has given me alot of lessons and new things, may everything ease,

til' next time,