Wednesday, July 30, 2014


hensem level infiniti ✌️

Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri 2014

today is the day! Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri 2014!

to those who knows me, i would like to ask forgiveness for all the mistakens ive done, secara sedar atau tidak, moga diberkati di hari mulia ini, okay belanja selfie sepammm

p/s: terima kasih membaca evendo takde orang akan baca lol ✌️

Wednesday, July 23, 2014

im better off dead

idk what ive done, it feels like my dad hates me so fucking much,

am i troublesome ?

kecik kecik membesar dengan caci maki balun rotan sana sini, guwa hadap hari hari, bila dah besar kena caci maki hari hari guwa sentap, sebab guwa dah boleh berfikir, 

kalau betul guwa anak tak berguna menyusahkan mak bapak, baik doakan guwa mati cepat, guwa pun tak nak menyusahkan mak bapak guwa hari hari

- danie


how are you old friend ? i hope youre doing just fine there, taking care of her and love her as you will, you make me proud as always,

i miss you buddy

Tuesday, July 22, 2014


"eh ewah ewah duit dah mula berserak,
they sayin' im the shits sapa mintak kena berak,
sarung tshirt putih seluar camo masih segak,
flow sick takleh pulih barang guwa dah merebak,

selu selu seluDOPE
selit barang seluDOPE
barang baik seluDOPE
susah datang seluDOPE"

- Akeem Jahat

Friday, July 18, 2014

my dear baby sister, Sarah

got this text message from Sarah just now, and idk what is she thinking of, well ill just write this up so you would understand,

dear adik,

first of all, its good to see that you realised your mistakes, its okay and not to afraid, abang ni pun kadang kadang buat salah juga, kita semua manusia tak lari dari silap, just i wanna say this to you, if you ever have something to share with, or someone to talk, you can talk to me, as im the only brother you have, im sorry if youre feeling that im not give any care about you or else, its not like that, im just being in silence cause youre never come to me in the first place and idk what problems you may have, i know sometimes i rarely spend more time with you and our family, i know im more to spend time on myself and im sorry,

tbt, im sorry if im not being a good brother, im sorry if i didnt show how much i love my baby sister, you should know better that im your brother, and theres nothing more important than our family as well, mak and abah and surely me as well really love you much and worry if something happen to you, dont ever do what you did last time, and if you ever want to go somewhere else, just let me know and ill drive you to there, okay ? be a good girl i know you are, i know you can do better, make our parents proud,

your brother,

Sunday, July 13, 2014

thinking overload

been wondering,
how the hell am i gonna have my bed time sleep back to normal again ?


idk, this insomnia is killing me softly, been waking up in the night, been sleeping in day light


ive been thinking a lot lately, idk why, maybe just because therere too much things running in my head - study, cars, friends, and most of it about her,

seems like everyday when i didnt talk to her in a day, felt like seems to be wrong, i felt uneasy, idk maybe it just my feelings been fooling me around i guess, i know im already fall with this girl, but its too early to say, we didnt meet with each other yet, still we're getting know with each other everyday, had few normal conversations, idk about her but to me, its a moment of my day, since the first day, ive hunger for her attentions, i need it so badly,

if youre reading this, im sorry if im so over acting, idk what you feel about me but im dying to know what youve been thinking of me, do you even thinking about me ? cause i do, every single time, even when im with my friends, still youre in my mind, its like im already attached to you, i even stalked you at twitter or else to see if ive been mentioned, call its a cliche but its the truth, i cant read your mind, im not that good, when it comes to this, i couldnt read a hint, even you once said that im bad in comforting you, im sorry

p/s: waiting patiently

Friday, July 11, 2014


its been a while since last time i had a good sleep. i cant sleep at night, i dont know why. therere too much things ive been thinking maybe, been gone thru all tense and making me tired, still its hard for me to have a good sleep. while everyone are sleeping, and im busy by doing nothing all by myself. now i know how its feel to be insomnia. trying hard to get my sleep back like normal *sigh*

til next time

Thursday, July 10, 2014

i wont see you tonight part 1

cry alone ive gone away
no more nights no more pain
ive gone alone took all my strength
ive made the change i wont see you tonight

sorrow sank deep inside my blood
all the ones around me
i cared for and loved

Building up inside of me
a place so dark, so cold It had to set me free
dont mourn for me youre not the one to place the blame
as bottles called my name i wont see you tonight

sorrow sank deep inside my blood
all the ones around me
i cared for and most of all i loved

but i cant see myself that way
please dont forget me
or cry while im away

cry alone ive gone away
no more nights no more pain
ive gone alone took all my strength
but ive made the change i wont see you tonight

so far away im gone
please dont follow me tonight
and while im gone
everything will be alright

no more breath inside
essence left my heart tonight
no more breath inside
essence left my heart tonight

- a7x

Wednesday, July 09, 2014

pray 4 gaza

fasting month this year doesnt cheerful as well as it should be, our brothers and sisters are being violently attack by the Zionist bastards!

may God bless the people of Gaza

it truly breaks my heart a lot to see all those innocent people are being murdered, women and children are being killed without sense of humanity, deep down in me, died cause theres nothing i can do here except praying for their safety and freedom, while we're living our life peacefully, they are struggling to live for tomorrow!

screw you Zionist Israel! damn you United State!

you may kill us all and take our land! but you cant take our spirit and religion! at the end of the day, you may win the fight but you cant win the war!


Tuesday, July 08, 2014

Cartoon My Ride

nicely done by Freshphysics, first cartoon art of my baby lil erni :)

Friday, July 04, 2014

tgif again

salam jumaat lagi sekali, harini tak pergi solat jumaat gara gara major headache

padan muka guwa tidur lambat lagi

what's plan for today ? idk

lets see what's on the menu tonight, horah

p/s: 3 jam setengah lagi nak berbuka

Tuesday, July 01, 2014

live, laugh, love, LEFT ?

be hurt by truth or being love by lies ?


after all, i'm already getting used by all these fucked up things, yet i'm still livin' my life to the fullest as i could

the chronicles of life

til' next time