Thursday, November 17, 2016


tiada siapa suka bila bertekak dengan family sendiri, end up kau yang sakit hati,

aku tak mintak jadi macam tu, but trust me, if only things are easier to get through, i wont having this issue long time ago,


god's will

i wonder what my life could be like in next 10 years, is it everything turn into what ive ever wanted ? sigh 

it scares me to death when it comes to think of it, somehow i cant stop wondering about it, everytime i get into 'self-time' alone, those things will keep playing in my mind and it got me paused,

i just dont know how my life would be in future, and i wish everything turn out to be good and enough; i know i just cant have everything in life and ive learnt a lot in growing up and surviving in this world, im grateful for everything i have now but tbh, being a typical human being, i couldnt resist asking for more, 

dear lord, forgive me for ive sinned a lot and disobey to you, im being dishonest and stubborn shameful creature of you,

til next time, 

Wednesday, November 09, 2016

lets get dream, again

next project maybe ? we shall see about that,

til' next time,

Monday, October 24, 2016

farewell, Erni

it has been 3 months now since you gone away, for the past 3 years we spent together writing good and bad memories, youre the reason why im standing here and youre one of the reason what i have right now, and yet im thankful for that, letting you go was devastated but i know i had to, and youll never be forgotten, be safe wherever you are, thank you for everything,

until next time, Erni

Friday, September 02, 2016

wake me up when september ends

september checking in, its only few months left until the end of 2016, and clearly i didnt make any big changes of myself except than im losing my weight slowly; other than that ? im just same old myself, jobless and broke, well i need to find my way to change all that by now, hope everything be ease,

until next time,

Saturday, August 13, 2016

another year

another year given to live, thank you God for everything in 25 years of life, im blessed and grateful, may everything be ease on upcoming days,

until next time,

Wednesday, July 06, 2016

Eid Mubarak 2016

nothing much, nothing different, just a celebration of simple Eid Mubarak as usual, may god bless all of us in upcoming days, Maaf Zahir Batin

p/s; no duit raya for me this year

Monday, July 04, 2016

40 Days

lets start at one
and count the days
lets hope to God that time flies like they say
cause this instance cant distance my heart from yours tonight
but im lying awake now and im holding your picture
its so cold here without you

and i need you now, cause its killing me
and i wish somehow, you were here with me
when i fall asleep i feel you with me
till' i fall asleep and you are with me

could this be more
ive been up all night riding subway lines
now we're sleeping on your floor

can we make this a lifetime, youre all i want right now
life keeps telling me i need to go
but what if i wanna stay
causs im lost here without you

and i need you now, cause its killin me
and i wish somehow, you were here with me

when i fall asleep, i feel you with me
till' i fall asleep, and you are with me

ive found a love ive never had before, you changed me
and i will wait however long it takes, you changed me
you say the words that ive been thinking
ill never let you go

and i need you now, cause its killing me
and i wish somehow, you were here with me

when fall asleep, i feel you with me
till' i fall asleep, and you are with me

you changed me


im sorry if im being such a jerk to you, if only i knew at first i have that strength and you know i wont let it go, 

thank you so much for the understanding, even though we just know each other, may god bless you and i surely i hope god bless us too,

til next time 

Monday, June 13, 2016


i dont know how much time i got left, but for all the misery ive been through, all the negative thoughts running through my head, im not sure if im ready enough to endure all the things that have been surround me since day one,

people always said that i need to be strong to keep forward and move on but the thing is, i have been strong for as along as i could remember, and im not sure if im capable to fight, may God knows the details and im just a breakable human being,

until next time, 

Thursday, April 07, 2016

the best

once i read an article before and they said if i wanna be the best, i have to take out the best; truth is, i dont wanna be the best, i just wanna be enough, its enough for that i could roll with the best, its enough for me that i have least everything that i could ever wanted, its enough for me that i have less problem that i need to think of, and its enough for that i have the best people that i needed the most in my life right know, 

i was taught that sometimes we cant have everything that we possible want, we need to be grateful every single time in this life, who knows it may look simple but at least it could make us as much happier as we thought, dont be greedy; just take what we need and use it wisely, cause you know, even the slightest wrong thing could make us regret for the rest of our life time,

until next time,

Sunday, March 27, 2016

stay strong

maybe you didnt know, or maybe you just dont wanna know, ill be there anytime anywhere you needed me, i would never leave you behind, i may not showing you that much, but trust me, i would if i could, i would if things given me a chance to show it to you,

til' next time,

Tuesday, March 01, 2016

eat. sleep. car. repeat.

this would never end, passion and interest never dies, i could remember that first day i own you; ever since that my blood, sweat and money running flow into you, cause youre meant a world to me, through good and bad times, we still stick together side by side,

youre my truly happiness,

Tuesday, February 23, 2016

self reminder

i appreciate things like trust and honesty seriously, its more important than any materialistic stuff or any exposure i could ever have 

Saturday, January 30, 2016

heads up and move on

well, i guess thats true when they said nothing could last forever, but i still accepted it with a smile, even though its tough as fuck, and no matter how hard i tried, i couldnt do anything to prevent it, God made plan for this, and for me surely, after all what happened to me, i thanked Him for giving me the best of Him for me,

amin to that,

Monday, January 18, 2016

sleepless night

in the still of the night,
once again i hold you tight, 
even when youre gone, but your love still lives on
everytime the moonlight beams

Thursday, January 07, 2016

that feelings

it has been a long time since ive had that feelings over me, and yesterday it came back, making me feel uneasy about it, you know why ?

well, its hard to keep it to yourself though, and im not that kind of person, so i just let it out so it cant burden me no more, and now im feeling stupid, a little bit of regrets; typical danie, doing things without thinking about the consequences, fuck that i hate it,

til' next time,

Saturday, January 02, 2016

happy twenty sixteen

its fucking 2016 already! typical me celebrating the new year with nothing to be achieve lol well, i hope this year will be the best of everything for me, continuing the old resolutions for sure, and of course the past year has given me alot of lessons and new things, may everything ease,

til' next time,