Thursday, November 17, 2016

god's will

i wonder what my life could be like in next 10 years, is it everything turn into what ive ever wanted ? sigh 

it scares me to death when it comes to think of it, somehow i cant stop wondering about it, everytime i get into 'self-time' alone, those things will keep playing in my mind and it got me paused,

i just dont know how my life would be in future, and i wish everything turn out to be good and enough; i know i just cant have everything in life and ive learnt a lot in growing up and surviving in this world, im grateful for everything i have now but tbh, being a typical human being, i couldnt resist asking for more, 

dear lord, forgive me for ive sinned a lot and disobey to you, im being dishonest and stubborn shameful creature of you,

til next time,