Thursday, November 17, 2016


tiada siapa suka bila bertekak dengan family sendiri, end up kau yang sakit hati,

aku tak mintak jadi macam tu, but trust me, if only things are easier to get through, i wont having this issue long time ago,


god's will

i wonder what my life could be like in next 10 years, is it everything turn into what ive ever wanted ? sigh 

it scares me to death when it comes to think of it, somehow i cant stop wondering about it, everytime i get into 'self-time' alone, those things will keep playing in my mind and it got me paused,

i just dont know how my life would be in future, and i wish everything turn out to be good and enough; i know i just cant have everything in life and ive learnt a lot in growing up and surviving in this world, im grateful for everything i have now but tbh, being a typical human being, i couldnt resist asking for more, 

dear lord, forgive me for ive sinned a lot and disobey to you, im being dishonest and stubborn shameful creature of you,

til next time, 

Wednesday, November 09, 2016

lets get dream, again

next project maybe ? we shall see about that,

til' next time,