Tuesday, December 23, 2014
cuti panjang dah nak habis bro
Saturday, November 22, 2014
Monday, November 17, 2014
daily quotes part 738384927 ..
Monday, November 10, 2014
do nothing
Thursday, November 06, 2014
lay low and still hustlin'
Friday, October 17, 2014
Monday, October 06, 2014
Sunday, September 07, 2014
self - reminder
Friday, September 05, 2014
bros come and go, bitches stay and left
Tuesday, September 02, 2014
Friday, August 29, 2014
Wednesday, August 27, 2014
today's activity
Sunday, August 24, 2014
hopes and dreams killed me, again
Saturday, August 23, 2014
that feeling
Thursday, August 21, 2014
Wednesday, August 20, 2014
imperfection is one another my perfection
Friday, August 15, 2014
Monday, August 11, 2014
too much attentions
Saturday, August 09, 2014
birthday celebration!
Saturday, August 02, 2014
time well spent
Wednesday, July 30, 2014
Tuesday, July 29, 2014
Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri 2014
Wednesday, July 23, 2014
im better off dead
Tuesday, July 22, 2014
Friday, July 18, 2014
my dear baby sister, Sarah
Sunday, July 13, 2014
thinking overload
Friday, July 11, 2014
Thursday, July 10, 2014
i wont see you tonight part 1
sorrow sank deep inside my blood
Building up inside of me
dont mourn for me youre not the one to place the blame
sorrow sank deep inside my blood
but i cant see myself that way
cry alone ive gone away
ive gone alone took all my strength
but ive made the change i wont see you tonight
so far away im gone
please dont follow me tonight
everything will be alright
Wednesday, July 09, 2014
pray 4 gaza
Tuesday, July 08, 2014
Friday, July 04, 2014
tgif again
Tuesday, July 01, 2014
live, laugh, love, LEFT ?
Saturday, June 28, 2014
fasting month of the year
Tuesday, June 17, 2014
daily quotes
Sunday, June 15, 2014
Saturday, June 14, 2014
Friday, June 13, 2014
another dream part 2
Thursday, June 12, 2014
another dream
Thursday, June 05, 2014
danie faizal's
some thing are meant to be untold
i have my personal and so yours, so you keep your words and i'll keep mine, so why bother with things are not meant to be your business ?
'melayu suka sibuk jaga tepi kain orang katanya'
bagi sesetengah orang menganggap tu cuma ambil berat, true ? nahhh maybe
senang cerita, bila orang tu buat hal dia jangan sibuk jangan kacau, kita buat hal kita. mereka yang suka menyibuk kadang kadang ni pesen cemburu, mungkin ya mungkin tidak.
okay ?
Wednesday, June 04, 2014
honda haters
i don't know alot but from what i heard, ramai kaki motorsport tak suka dengan geng geng honda
you know why ?
bongkak, berlagak, poyo, langsi, kerek, sombong, cakap besar, etc that's most of them yang akan kata
well, dari apa yang aku main wira dulu pun aku ngaku, aku kengkadang tak suka dorang TAPI tak semua lah, ada je geng dorang yang okay
sekarang pun aku dah terjebak pakai honda, SEBAB aku minat, TAPI tak bermaksud aku sekali babit perangai macam tu (bagi aku lah tak tahu lah orang lain macam mana)
truth is, benda ni normal je kot, sesentengah orang pun macam tu juga, i mean bukan saja pada geng honda, tak kisah lah apa kereta pakai pun, kalau dah bongkak tu bongkak jugak, kalau rasa hidung tinggi tu, megah jugak
what's more important is RESPECT
kau dapat apa yang kau bagi, rendah diri dan hormat orang, peduli apa orang kata, janji kau tak kacau orang, senang kan ?
kita sama sama jiwa motorsport, why don't just we get along ? kau jiwa kau, aku jiwa aku, kita sama sama minat kereta - performance, drag, drift, autoshow, stance fitment or anymore else included
pelik kadang kadang tengok dorang berkecimpung sama bidang, masih ada nak berparang
Tuesday, June 03, 2014
semester break
finally, exams over and now i'm on semester break,
had sent lil erni to workshop for custom paintjob, looking forward to see what she looks like
yeah, slowly i'm reaching every step i wanted for lil erni and yes it's June, good start for the month i guess
hope it's going well for upcoming days, thank you God for the blessed
gotta a month for me to do nothing at home
Monday, June 02, 2014
deeper meaning
"you know what they said, show me how you drive and i'll show you who you are"
- dominic toretto
well yeah sometimes you can get something from the movies, i mean the lesson to be learn that can be adapt in your life
i have my own, still i keep searching for another one
knowledge is something that you just can't get enough like that, it keeps growing, for how many long we can live, and so more new things can be discover
Saturday, May 31, 2014
hari ni hari sabtu
hari sabtu mengundang pilu
apa yang pilu ?
aku pun tak tahu
sebenar benarnya tiada apa pun yang pilu, saja nak tulis kasi havoc lol
anyway, selamat berhujung minggu kengkawan, esok guwa last paper, barai lagi
harini ada kenduri kat somban, ada event kat melaka, barai barai lagi
dan nyatanya, guwa pun tak cukup tidur, lagi lah barai
Thursday, May 22, 2014
till' death of me
save me, i'm looking in from the outside
save me, as water fills my lungs
save me, i'm reaching up for the surface
save me before i choke
take me on, i'm here, i'm ready
i don't want to live forever
i just want to live for you
if this world falls down around us
we'll be here shining through
and i know sometimes we move too fast
and leave our ghosts behind us
but now they're in front of me
don't give up on me just yet
i know that you won't, i'm too hard to forget
is this really what you want for me?
now i need to believe
is this really where you want me to be
this is our struggle, we need to believe
when i'm gone don't cry for me
my spirit will live on
if you put your faith in me i fould be the one
i'll live on
i still believe
- blessthefall
Sunday, May 11, 2014
what goes around comes around
irony seems to be the legit word, you know ?
somehow, i'm afraid that i'd end up to be in that kind of situations,
you know when you talk about a person that you dislike, the way you act somehow you're being that same person that you hated so much,
p/s: certain people are worth to satisfy :)
Sunday, May 04, 2014
final weeks
final in another 2 - 3 weeks time, and this week gonna be the last week of classes,
how the times fly fast without we knows it, gotta clear up all the assignments and tutorials.
p/s: all the best danie faizal
Saturday, April 19, 2014
nardi torino + quick release
got myself a nardi torino volante steering wheel and slimfit quick release
tercapai idaman nak tukar stereng si lil erni ni fuhh, boleh cabut cabut pulaaaaaaaa heheh
p/s: terima kasih atas kurniaan rejeki
Tuesday, April 08, 2014
al - Fatihah
arwah nenek menghembuskan nafas terakhir pukul 8 lebih malam tadi.
petang tadi arwah kena hantar kat hospital sebab sesak nafas, muka pucat bibir biru dah tengok :(
selamat sudah nenek pergi dengan tenang, tuhan permudahkan semuanya, tak perlu lagi nenek tanggung seksa sakit semua.
p/s: al Fatihah untuk nenek, moga tenang di sana bersama sama orang orang beriman
Friday, April 04, 2014
stay strong, danie
i've been through the worst in my life, i don't know what's more can be happen.
our fate is in God's hand
indeed, we're just human, living through the life, obey Him, making our journey as the best as it can be.
surround by the people i love and care, what's more i could ask ? i'm blessed.
p/s: let's stay strong for better tomorrow
mainan perasaan
dah lama tak bertegur.
dah lama tak menyembang.
dah lama tak bergurau.
dah lama tak mengacau.
kau dah jadi milik orang lain, sakit pedih aku ada lagi.
tapi doa aku tak pernah putus untuk kau, janji aku tak pernah mungkir pada kau.
mungkin aku dah malas tagih harapan lagi, tapi sikit pun tak pernah tarik diri, tak pernah mengalah.
aku cuma jauhkan diri, dalam diam aku ambil berat, mungkin kau tak tahu, entahlah kadang kadang bangsat juga mainan perasaan ni.
aku tak tahu apa yang nak buat.
p/s: hujan lebat sejuk betul
Wednesday, April 02, 2014
silence doesn't meant that i don't care
these few weeks passing by, i've been in silence, spending more times with lil erni and on my social networks.
guess i don't have much things to do besides doing nothing, nahhhhhhhhhh baraiiiiiiiii.
bosan sebenarnya ulang ulang benda yang sama, tak tahu apa aku nak, selain mengeluh jiwa kacau, layan awek awek imaginasi.
bila tak buat benda berfaedah lagi jahanam masa terbuang rasanya, kesian betul.
entahlah, nasib watak seorang danie faizal mungkin ? tidak lah sampai tak bersyukur, alhamdulillah sekarang puas hati sikit, sikit jelah pun.
boleh ke macam ni ? #taksweetbro katanya. still aku move on slowly hari demi hari, perit tu masih ada lagi lekat, susah nak buang, makan masa katanya.
"orang lain boleh, tak kan kau tak boleh kan ?"
tahniah lah, aku bukan macam kau, aku diri aku sendiri, bukan orang lain, lain orang lain caranya, lain orang lain dugaannya.
tabah, sabar, redha, pasrah dan sewaktu dengannya.
p/s: they said nice guy finish last, well thanked God i'm a douchebag
never go for full retard
i'm complicated i guess.
there're too much things i couldn't handle, barely to care.
i don't know, it changed, sometimes i'm paranoid about certain things.
i wonder why.
p/s: living in lowest part of your life making you stronger each day
Thursday, March 27, 2014
save me please ?
dear you.
please save me would you ?
save me from all those things that brought me down to the lowest.
i need you, i'm weak.
can't stand with all these, i'm not strong enough.
tied up with broken hopes and promises.
help me to get through all these, forget all the lies within.
i wanna start over, with you.
because i love you.
p/s: whoever you are out there, please ?
Monday, March 24, 2014
my car, my story
i'd rather lose by a mile because i built my own car, than win by an inch because someone else built it for me.
your car is your story, so don't let someone else write the book.
- moog
future ?
to be honest, i myself don't know what am i gonna do after this, i mean in the future.
still i'm on my way finishing my studies and so on, a bit far behind than others but yeah i'm struggling.
it's not that i'm not interested with studies anymore, i still wanna grab that scroll of mine someday, slowly catching up the flow.
just, i don't know how it's gonna be, i don't have my destination yet, but still i'm making my journey of life, achieving what i want, make both of my parents proud.
til the end.
i know my son and i know my daughter tapi still sampai sekarang aku tak tahu apa anak lelaki aku nak buat, tak habis habis dengan kereta dia - abah, 2014
Friday, March 21, 2014
midnight touch up
last touch up before off to jb tomorrow.
dapat lah sikit mana yang patut, kereta tak lawa nak banding dengan kereta lelain.
fucking excited for this upcoming, few hours and counting. may god bless the journey, safe and sound pergi dan balik.
Tuesday, March 18, 2014
it's sucks
mom and dad fighting again and i'm so not in fucking mood.
left alone as usual.
p/: i wish i could stay away and gone for a while
Sunday, March 16, 2014
daily quotes
they said just don't give a care, and you'll be fine.
i've tried and i can't.
it still hurts me much.
choices i made, decisions i took, path i walked.
teaching myself to be more heartless, i guess i was born with 'not to hate'.
yet, i'm still struggling.
p/s: i'm not giving up, i just keep myself for distance
Saturday, March 15, 2014
fall down
why do you always fall down ?
because i can learn to get back up again.
why don't you give up and let it go ?
because i can't, if i just given up that way and it keep hunting me in the future, makes me regrets all the time.
do you regrets about all the decisions you made ?
no i didn't, because it's way of life i living in, being regret of mistakes i made doesn't change a thing, instead of that i just keep moving and learn from wrong doings and not to make the same mistakes again.
Thursday, March 13, 2014
no more low
new setup for lil erni.
no more low, it's poking time!
guess, this is safer way for daily drive, it's alright it's okay, still Stance & Fitment mode.
p/s: gonna miss that 'livin that low life'
new setup
busted my driveshaft again, old man gonna kill if he knows it.
so gotta change my setup for daily drive tho. it's 'poke fitment', no more lowered as fuck.
guess i can 'lenjan' back with lil erni on highway. phew.
p/s: barai barai barai barai
Tuesday, March 11, 2014
hey there JPJ
bila sesuatu benda dah jadi trending, maka badan kerajaan mula menjadikan ia sebagai satu kesalahan di sisi undang undang kata mereka.
Stance and Fitment Culture
bila keluarnya idealogi bodoh lagi tak berakal, dikatanya semua sport rim 'lebar' itu adalah 'rota', sayangnya, bila dikatanya sebegitu, kami pun pakat gelak ramai ramai, bangang abadi tak pernah nak habis segelintir 'badan kerajaan' ni.
kenapa perlu dikatakan salah ? apakah kami ni punca kemalangan seperti dikatakan ? adakah kerana ramai seperti kami ni wujud di mesia ni dan kamu semua boleh 'mengambil kesempatan' ke atas kami ni ?
sudah sudahlah, cari lah benda lain yang lagi berfaedah kalau nak buat kerja, kami Stancer yang bermain dengan hobi kami, bukan kami lakukan jenayah besar. rata rata yang punca kemalangan tu sendiri disebabkan sikap pemandu yang bebal, bukan disebabkan hanya jentera tayar kepak tu sendiri, tak percaya ? buka balik statistik kemalangan tu, check balik. ada sebab tayar kepak kengkang jadi punca ? ada sebab Stance and Fitment ni penyebab utama kemalangan di mesia ni ? no, tiada sama sekali.
by the way, before nak menuding jari kat kami semua ni, cuba lah korang check sendiri anak anak buah korang tu, staff staff korang tu, kebanyakan jentera dorang tu lagi lahanat dari kami. tinted gelap, hid, ubahsuai sampai hilang identiti sebenar kereta, lagi jahanam semuanya, dorang boleh je ? jangan tutup mata dengan salah sendiri tapi sibuk nak menuding jari cari salah orang lain wahai jpj, begitu juga dengan trafik polis dan sebagainya. terus terang saya cakapkan, anda memang bagus buat kerja anda, tak dinafikan.
i guess, hobi ni tak akan pernah habis di sini, buat lah apa pun, kami tetap perjuangkan apa yang kami minat, tak akan berkubur di sini. hentikan jadi dungu, buka mata dan perhatikan alam sekeliling. kami tak minta anda untuk suka kami, hanya terima dengan kehadiran dan wujudnya kami di sini. cuba meniru dunia luar ? come one lah, hidup kita ni pun asalnya meniru, jangan jadi lurus sangat nak membangkang semua benda.
anda teruskan dengan kerja anda, kami teruskan dengan minat kami
cheers mafakas.
Monday, March 10, 2014
i'm broke
i took lil erni to workshop for repairing today, spent 500++ bucks for adjustable services and new coil spring. sigh.
poket dah nipis duduk rumah jadi budak baik laaa
well spent i guess, got more low than before. fiuhh.
til' next time yo.
current mood: mentally and emotionally abused.
things that brought me up to the highest, bring me down back to the lowest
Sunday, March 09, 2014
now everything seems to be far away and faded. after a while, it does makes sense and now i know.
remember how we met back each other ? that was last year and that time i was so excited, and so did you.
i met you back and i let it all out to you, you loved it and i was the happiest man on earth.
but then, days after days, after few dates and away, you seems to be changed a bit, you were no longer excited as you used to do, i wondered.
what happened ? something told me there were something weren't right. i don't know it but i can feel it, until now.
'something does meant to be unknown for better or worst'
p/s: i wish i knew what it is
Saturday, March 08, 2014
pray 4 MH370
woke up to this news, an airplane of Malaysian Airlines was lost and undetectable of radar during flight from Kuala Lumpur to Beijing 0240 hours.
may everything will be alright and may all the passengers and all the crews safe sound.
my prayers be with all of you, amin
4 in the morning
4 pagi dan masih belum lelap, ah sial. waktu macam ni lah yang sangat celakanya, bila akal fikiran jauh di dalam mula berfikir tentang perkara yang tak patut terlintas.
kau di situ, kau di sini, kau di sana dan kau di mana mana tu
bila otak mula berfikir jantung juga mula mengepam laju, akal melintaskan perkara silam yang patutnya ditanam dalam dalam, hati mula gelisah gundah dan menyampaikan deria kepada otak dan lalunya mengarah kepada tubuh badan untuk bertindak dan lazimnya perbuatan bodoh akan dilakukan dengan lagaknya oleh seorang insomnia.
p/s: jujur aku rindu
Friday, March 07, 2014
friday night fever
whats up with friday ? just nothing to be amaze. same old same old, different weeks.
lepak, makan, sembang, bahan, gelak gelak
i wish there's something can change that, i mean something make me feel excited about upcoming. i'm no longer feel that way, i feel empty, numb, nothing.
p/s: i hate this 2014
Thursday, March 06, 2014
when it came to hobby, there's a passion.
if you really into something, you will try hard enough to achieve that for yourself,
blood, sweat, money
i did spent all my money on my car, it's the only thing i love to do at all, it's my passion beyond everything.
i may not rich, but at least i got what i wanted for, paying with what i need to make sure, all the things i could possible get, i'm going for it.
they may not understand, they may not know but who cares ? we do what we do best, we're going for what we wished for. not for others, not for anyone else, but ourselves.
none but ourselves can free our mind - bob marley
Wednesday, March 05, 2014
mid-semester break
2 paper down for yesterday and today and so mid-semester break for 2 weeks started now.
makan tidur lepak la jawabnya
i wish i have 10k bucks in my hands now, so much things can do for lil erni.
dream on danie.
Tuesday, March 04, 2014
what doesn't kill you makes you stronger
'you don't know how strong you are until being strong is the last choice you got'
keep on fighting, who knows better future is coming ahead of us.
i've been worst, yet i'm still breathing well. surrounds by the people i love and care, surviving living in this cruel world, i'm blessed
stancer's first world problem
got stucked again on speedbump for the 4th times. i see haters, i see people with silly smiles on their fucking face, hell i care.
go harder or go home
p/s: thanks to them who helped me pushed the car to get over the bump
Monday, March 03, 2014
gettin away
when everything seems to fuck me up, i just grab my car key and drive around without known destination, just drive and let it all out.
without cares, without hesitations.
there's something about engine that calms me down - Jesse, The Fast and The Furious
first timer
hello there,
this is my 2nd time on blogging. had to delete the old one cause too much craps in it, so yeah i started the new one here. anyway, thanks for reading.
- danie faizal