“She reached up and pulled my face to her and kissed me, her soft lips on mine. I don't want her to stop kissing me. I was in love with her. I knew that much was true. As long as she is, then everything is fine. The world can pass by without me, without us. Everything is right, I would stay in this moment forever if I could. Just as long as we can stay here, together, in each other's arms.
Love was the swelling, hopeful feeling in my chest every time I saw her. Love was the way I could forget about everything when I was with her. Love was the gasp she could draw out of me with the simplest of touches. Love was the catch in my breath when she looked at me in her intense way. Love was the way I could be myself around her, know that I didn't need to be perfect or worry about what she was thinking, because she accepted me.
Even before we met and long after we're both gone, my heart lives inside of her. I'm forever and ever in love with her. Never in my life had, I ever felt that quick response to anyone. I knew today that my life was forever changed in that one moment and I was clueless as to why or how it was. Breathless and unable to look away from her, like if I did - she would disappear."