“She lends her pen,
to thoughts of him,
that flow from it,
in her solitary.
For she is his poet,
And he is her poetry.”
- Lang Leav
Like all others I wrote long before and after that were dedicated to you,
nothing left to be said but I will spend my life trying to put you into words.
I admire your goodness, every optimism and hope
Your affection is a better fate for me than everything I could have wished for
If you are a part of me, then I wanted you be the best part
And if you're separated from me, then let me have you as my purposes
I felt those butterflies overwhelm them in the best possible way
This is for your love and mine is yours
Love is fate, now I am here
Bcs you know the meaning of life, that begins and ends with a kiss
I'm the fighter in the silver ardor, who toil for you
And for our future children, it's a circle - so they will know this truth
so please,
let us never be apart.
I delivered to be dedicated, to you - the one true love of my life, whilst all others have been merely pretenders. Only you and you alone know the truth of who I am.